Get Out Of The Boat

Oh ladies,

What an incredibly busy last month this has been. Can you relate with this scenario? It's a certain day and then... in the blink of an eye, five weeks have zoomed by.

Yes? You can relate? Oh good. Because I hope that you will accept my apology and need for grace for not getting this post up when I said I would! But here it is. A little over a month ago, I spoke at a women's conference and had the utmost pleasure of speaking about Peter. Jesus. And a little amazing phenomenon of walking on water. There was a step that Peter had to take, though. Join me!

*Also, our post is part of an incredible line up of inspirational blog posts. Visit My Faith Tree for more amazing writings and Biblical truth from women just like you and me.

My Story Main Talk 2
Get Out of the Boat by Melissa Elsner

Today we’re going to be getting into a boat. So, let’s put on our pretend life jackets and get ready. Look at your neighbor and say, “are you ready to get in the boat?”

Peter is one of my favorite disciples in the Bible. He was called by Jesus. And met with the power of the enemy who knew his weakness. I can relate to his struggles and I can relate to his love for his friend Jesus. I can easily place myself in his shoes when he wept after fulfilling what Jesus said he would do before he was crucified…. Deny that he knew Jesus three times.
There is another moment in the story of Peter and Jesus that illustrates so well how Jesus thinks of us and it’s going to set the stage for this next session.

The events that are taking place in this piece of scripture are right after Jesus fed the 5000+ people with the five loaves of bread and two fish. Gosh… I would have loved to have been there to witness that, wouldn’t you? Anyway, let’s read this piece of scripture…

Matthew 14:22-33 (Click the link to read or use your own Bible/App)

Let’s break this story down.

First, we’ve got this group in the middle of water. A storm was picking up and there were some waves and wind. Jesus starts to walk out to the boat but, everyone gets a little spooked thinking it’s a ghost. I don’t blame them! But how easy we forget, right? I mean these guys had just spent an amazing moment watching Jesus perform a miracle by feeding thousands of people with a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish. It’s easier said than done but, after a moment like that, maybe it could be Jesus walking out there and not a ghost? I don't know.

Jesus then says, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid!”
Oh good. It’s just Jesus. No ghost. Okay Jesus! We’re good.

Ah but no.

Peter has to take it a step further and say in verse 28: “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.”
Now, Jesus could have given the lecture right there. He could have said, you of little faith! How can you not recognize who I am? No. He says to Peter, "Come". A simple… come.
Right then, Peter has a choice to make. He just questioned Jesus and even challenged Him. That’s easy to do while clinging to a boat. You haven’t had to make any movement. You’re safe, in your boat, with your life jacket on. Jesus is there but, you’re not 100% sure it’s Him and so you challenge him. 

And he says, “come”.

Let's make this personal...

You are clinging on to the fear of shame.
Jesus says, “come”.

You are clinging on to past hurt.
Jesus says, “come.”

You are holding onto something you’ve had control of all your life and that grip feels so comfortable but…
Jesus says, “come”.

What does Peter do? Does he stay in that boat? No. He gets out. He walks on the water toward Jesus.
Can you imagine what that would be like??? Walking on water??? It boggles my mind. But, anyway, we see Peter here doing this. He is walking.

Now, at this point, I might start doing a little jig. How thrilling and exciting to be doing what Jesus is doing at that moment. I’ve let go of that boat. I’m gliding across the water. It takes all I have to just run and throw myself into his arms.

And then something else happens… In verse 30 it says, “But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord save me!”
His worst nightmare is coming true. He is sinking. The doubt comes back. Wait… was that really Jesus? Oh no, here comes the doubt and shame again. Here comes the guilt. I knew I wouldn’t be able to let go! I knew it would end like this!

But, let’s pay attention to a very important piece of this story - 
Jesus doesn’t let Peter sink into the water and drown. He reaches and catches him. He pulls him back up out of the water. He doesn’t make Peter flail and reach out to him. Jesus is right there with him and catches him before he goes all the way down.
Jesus says to Peter, “You of little faith… why did you doubt?”

I don’t hear Jesus saying this to him in a hurtful way. I here him saying this in a loving way.
“I was right here the whole time. I never left you. I’m never leaving you. Why do you doubt me when you have experienced what it’s like to trust and follow me?” 
That’s what I hear in Jesus’ voice. He preached about love. He commanded others to love. And I hear his voice speaking to Peter… to us… in love.

This story symbolizes so much. It especially can symbolize what we are working through today.

What fear is keeping you in that boat? What has you shackled?

Ladies… it’s time to let it go.
In order to live fully in the stories that God has given us, to proclaim His goodness and love, we have got to get out of the boat.
Is it scary? Yes.
It is necessary? Yes.
Is it worth it? Oh yes.
Will you regret it? Absolutely not.

We can let go of these fears and finally loosen our grip. Get out of the boat and walk towards Jesus and have the reassurance that, in those moments we begin to doubt again or if someone tries to hurt or ridicule us or place any shame back on us that Jesus is not going to leave our side, he is going to reach out and take hold of us and pull us back up. And, with love, he will remind us who we should place our faith in.

So, I have to ask… what is holding you back? What are you waiting for? What have you got  to lose?
You were made for more. It’s time to take that step of faith and get out of the boat.

What is YOUR fear? What is holding you back from understanding that GOD made you in a beautiful, wonderful and fearful way? What will propel you to take that next step of faith - to get out of your boat and walk towards Jesus?

The ladies at this conference were given a small piece of paper. On it, they wrote the word or phrase that related to what was holding them back. For confidentiality sake, I will not be sharing any examples from that day but, here are a few that are vague that you might be able to relate to:
Identity issues, fear of rejection, addiction, various sins that you are having a tough time letting go, fear of the unknown, fear that Jesus won't be there for you. 

I encourage you to do this on your own. Maybe you journal or maybe you need to find a little piece of paper and write it down. The ladies at the conference, crumpled and ripped up the paper and threw it in a bin. We burnt those papers later after praying over them.

In exchange for that little piece of paper, each woman got a small postcard. On it was part of the verse from Psalm 139. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Below it, was a blank line. 

In fact, I've included this postcard here for you for FREE. It's in a .jpg file so, you should be able to right click on it and save it to your computer. 

Print it out and do this next step:

On that blank line, write in your new word or name or label or whatever it is God is speaking to you. 

We’re going to replace that fear word, with a God word. An act of faith word. Maybe it will come to you right away… you already know you are redeemed, restored, renewed, forgiven, loved, adored, made new… warrior… princess… child of God. Place this card where you will see it everyday. I have mine near my nightstand so I see it in the morning and at night. Other ladies placed in their Bible, or work area or bathroom. 

You are no longer a slave to your fear. YOU are a child of God. Get out of the boat, walk on that water and KNOW that, without a doubt, Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you.

Go in peace. 

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