Christ Alone: He Is My Cornerstone

Two years ago I was living in transition.

It was familiar to me. Over the course of my adulthood, I had moved away from my hometown and moved back several times. Each experience brought its own unique situations. 

The first time I moved away, I was a young 20 year old wanting to separate myself from things of my youth. I wanted to be "out on my own". When things didn't turn out the way I thought they would, I came home. 

The second time was after I had spent a couple of years growing deeper in my relationship with Jesus. It was new, fresh and I was learning about different things I was capable of. At the age of 28, I packed my bags and went to Guatemala for a year to teach. After that year was over, I was given the opportunity to stay another year but, I was ready to come home. The transition back was a little more intense as it included reverse culture shock, finding my place in ministry again and catching up with the lives that had gone on without me there. 

The third time was in 2012. I felt a tug to move to Chicago and God set things in motion rather quickly. I lived in the city for two years and felt that longing to return home, again. Once again, I transitioned back to a town and community I was so very familiar with. Once again, I settled back into a land I knew well but, there were a few things that made this transition different. There was not an immature 21 year old moving back because of fear or conflict. This was not a 29 year old returning missionary. This was a 38 year old who felt peace about God ending one chapter and beginning a new glorious chapter. 

I continued old friendships and formed some new ones. My church home switched to a new one and ministry opportunities that seemed like a dream, were becoming reality. I felt capable. I felt sure and I knew I could trust God with whatever He had in mind for my life.

Transition is a part of life, it seems. We move. People we love move. Life status changes - our friends get married, divorce or become widows. We watch children grow older and move out. We receive promotions or notices that our job is ending in a month. We remodel houses and downsize our lives. Even our spiritual lives are in transition. We find that one month we are so in tune with the Holy Spirit and can't imagine ever being apart when, the next month, we forget what the feels like. So many things factor into this! And I can so relate. Oh, how I can relate. 

2015 was an amazing year of growth. Yes, there was lots of transition but, I specifically noticed so much growth in my spiritual life. God was having a field day with my obedience and faith. What an exciting journey to look back on! Wow! I can definitely recall many moments of transformation and it causes me to fill up with joy. This year, however, has been a little rocky. It hasn't knocked me down. It hasn't caused me to become distant with God but, it has definitely challenged and tested me. 
I'm glad to say that the result has been me leaning towards God even more. I don't want to lose sight of who He is... what He has done... and what He will continue to do and be in my life. 

Transition is so hard. It can definitely make or break us. We have a choice as to how we will handle the transition in our life. Of course, it depends on what that exact transition is but, I truly believe there is a common denominator with all kinds of transition in our life. Because GOD never changes. He is always the same. He is constant through it all. The joys, the tears, the storms, the triumphs, the loss, the gains, the celebrations, the defeat... through it all. He is God. He is my rock, my comforter, my deliverer. My hope and salvation. My cornerstone. 

Do you know what a cornerstone is? It's the main part of the foundation of a building or house. Without it, the structure would crumble. The cornerstone is unshakable. It is strong. It is constant. It is the one strong foundation. I love this imagery when it comes to Jesus Christ. He is strong. He is love. He is my cornerstone. 

What a joyous picture we have of who Jesus is! Our view may change, we might get a little face lift or have to repair things in our lives but, if we build our lives around HIM, He will never fail us. 

Christ alone, cornerstone. Weak made strong, in the Saviors love. Through the storm, He is Lord. Lord of All. 

This current season of my life... my story... is such an intriguing one. Yes, there have been challenges but, one thing I have noticed is that I don't feel defeated. I don't feel like my world is crashing in around me. All I can see is the beauty of how Jesus is my cornerstone and that He is still there - guiding my steps and asking me to trust him. And I do. Because he hasn't let me down yet.

How about you? What life transition is happening with you right now? Do you believe that Jesus is your cornerstone and that this is just another amazing opportunity to see HIM working in your life? Or is this a transition that has you broken and on the floor, weak, tired and questioning where He is? No matter where you are at, trust Him. Know that He will never leave or forsake you. Know that He truly is there. Even if it takes all your energy to cry out to Him... allow Him to be your strength. 

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