I wish I would have...

I wish I would have stuck with ballet...
I wish I would have played more than one season of soccer...
I wish I would have tried out for the chorus...
I wish I would have stuck with piano lessons...
I wish I would have done certain things earlier in life...

I wish...
I wish...
I wish...

Sometimes I go through seasons of "I Wish". It's a season when something pops up into my head that deals with my past. For example, the other day I was playing soccer with my students. At that moment, I went into "I Wish" mode. "I wish I had played soccer longer, then I'd be really good and maybe be in better shape. Or, actually, I really loved volleyball. I wish I would have gotten over my fear of trying out at that new school. Maybe I would be coaching right now."

It sucks me in!

It grabs me so tightly that, when I share different parts of my story, I find myself falling into "I Wish" mode. "As a child, I played piano... gosh... I wish I had practiced more and stuck with lessons... maybe I'd feel more confidant now."

Does that really help at all?

No. But, it's something I do. Can you relate? Perhaps there are areas of your life that, as you're navigating, you fall into that awful "I Wish" trap.

As I've grown in my relationship with Christ, I can say that climbing out of that pit has gotten easier. Yes, I still fall victim to it but, knowing that God has, all along, had a plan for me and can use any decision I make for His good, makes it easier to stop falling deeper into the pit. I tell myself, "Wait a minute! Melissa, you're doing it again! Time to reflect on Gods goodness... NOW!"

The choices we make in life, good and bad, are not an end all be all. We make mistakes, we make poor judgments. Thank God that He doesn't end us when we do. There is a beautiful opportunity to jump back up, dust ourselves off and focus on the One who created us. With His loving and perfect hands, he formed us.

I'm so glad that God loves me. The crazy and all. And I'm learning to focus on being thankful for all those opportunities. Yes, I didn't stick with them but, I experienced them.

That's pretty cool too.

On Thursday, we'll be chatting about how God looks at those moments of "I Wish" mode. It's pretty awesome!

What About You?

If you are a human, I'm sure you have had some "I Wish" moments. Take them to God this week. Tell Him how you feel and ask Him to set you free from those thoughts. Ask Him to give you vision, wisdom and clarity as you continue to make choices in this lifetime.

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