Happy New Year!

Dearest ladies,

It's a new year. This is usually a signaled time of year for change, resolutions, goals, etc. Maybe some of you are gearing up for a hectic year. Others might be relishing in the peace after a frantic holiday season. Wherever you are at, I pray that you feel the love of Christ so deeply, it causes you to find peace and joy as you begin the new year.

We, at This Is Your Story, are so happy to continue with our online ministry. As you can tell from the frequency of posts, we are rather relaxed. Each of us feels the calling to write and share our lives with you. That is for sure. But, did you also know we love hearing YOUR story? This is not just a ministry for us but, it's also a ministry for YOU. Have you been feeling the itch to share?

How can we help you move forward with that? How can we encourage you to step out, in faith, and share about the hope you have?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)

Our ministry blog is here for YOU. It's a platform to share, scripture based, stories of God's redemption, healing and saving grace. It is an opportunity for women to encourage one another and grow together. We want this to be a community... not a church service or seminar. Not a another blog where two women are the only ones sharing. It was my vision, from the very beginning, that this be a place filled with many voices. Voices of women who are excited and honored to share all that God has done in their lives.

So, now that you're feeling that shove or pull or, however God might be leading you to share, let me give you the next few steps...

Here they are...

Step 1: Open up your email client. Gmail... yahoo... whatever you use.
Step 2: Type in the To field info@thisisyourstory.org
Step 3: In the body, follow God's prompting, however fit. Share your story. Share the simple fact that you might feel ready but aren't sure how or maybe you don't feel equipped to do so. (We'll help you!)
Step 4: THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE...  are you ready?  Hit send.  Do it. Yep... let that mouse just roll right up to that send button and CLICK.
Step 5: Trust. Pray. Have faith that God is going to use your story. We'll be in touch soon!

I can't wait to hear all your stories! I look forward to hearing from you this year.

In Christ,

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