Personality Quiz Junky Anonymous

Hello. My name is Melissa and I'm a Personality Quiz junky.

I'm serious. I love them. They are the only quiz I will take from those quiz sites that pop up in my Facebook feed. I am so intrigued with personalities. It amazes me how God so purposefully created us and I don't know why but, I am just astonished each time my personality comes back the same. There's a little gasp that comes out of my mouth and I sit back with a little smirk. In my head I think, "Wow God. Yep... this is who I am and I love it!"

Now, I will explain a bit because I think my personality type might contribute to why I love these tests so much! 

I am an ENFP. And proud of it! In fact, did you know that the leaders of this blog are both ENFP? Oh man do we make a great pair! Sometimes I think we need just one more person... perhaps an INTJ to help round us out; ground us and keep us focused. You know, the person who enjoys deadlines and planners and actually sticks to them

What. A. Concept.

Here are a few words that describe a typical ENFP: living externally, warm, enthusiastic, live in a world of possibilities, intuitive, love life, talk their way in and out of just about anything, might seem directionless but are actually quite consistent with a strong set of values, may become unhappy when confined to strict schedules, need flexibility, charming, ingenuous, risk-taking, sensitive, people-oriented individuals.

Yes, this is definitely me. The description comes from this website, Personality Page, and there is much more to this personality type that just has my head nodding and bobbing! 

So, let me explain why I love these tests so much. Actually, let me ask you a question - have you ever asked yourself, "Why am I so weird? Is this truly who I am? How did I get this way?" 

I have. It actually got to a point where I got so frustrated with myself because I couldn't understand why I had so much difficulty following through. Deadlines would look and I would procrastinate like none other. I still do it, actually. Like tonight - I am typing this out a few hours before it's suppose to be published. (Just living it up to that ENFP personality!)

At my church, I began to get involved with leadership with the young adult group, years ago. Part of our training and development was to take the Myers-Briggs personality test. So, I took it. My result was that blessed ENFP.

Now listen, at this point I'm thinking, oh well here we go... it's going to tell me how I should be! 

Can you imagine my delight after reading it, though??? It was such a freeing moment for me as I read all about myself. Each word described me perfectly. Each strength and each weakness was spot on. I remember squealing out, "oh my GOSH!!! This is ME!!!" After every eye in the room was staring at me, I just squinted with a smile and squeaked out, "I'm an ENFP." Several gave some knowing nods and went back to whatever it was we were doing at that moment. 

So, why am I sharing this with you today? Well, because I feel like we all need to understand we are who we are because that is how God wired us. Instead of trying to change, we need to embrace. Instead of trying to do something we were never meant to do, we need to allow the people who ARE to DO. God make each of us so unique. I am so glad I'm not expected to be good at everything or to comprehend and understand everything. He has made me unique and special and has purposed me for exactly how He wants. 

Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every on of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
1 Corinthians 12:14-20

By discovering and learning more about my personality type, I have been able to embrace who I am and celebrate who God has created me to be! It has affirmed many things such as, my desire to be a teacher and my gift of discernment. It has freed me from desiring to be scheduled... although that's not a bad thing and I think everyone needs to have a little bit of that... still, it has freed me enough to not let it be such a burden anymore!

How cool is that? What a wonderful testament to how God continues to mold us. As we discover more and more about who we are, our personality traits and our gifting, we can freely serve God how He intended us to! 

Psalm 139 is such a beautiful piece of scripture that celebrates how God created each of us so uniquely. I invite you to read the entire chapter but, here is a little piece of it that goes so well with what I'm sharing here today:

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my  mother's womb. I praise you, because I am fearfully and wonderfully  made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:13-14

Such a popular piece of scripture I have used here from time to time but, it truly does pertain to so much of who we are... inside and out. Personality and identity. 

He knows us because He designed us. He knew us in our... wait for it... mother's womb. So, as I'm learning about my personality type and celebrating and, honestly, finding a little bit of relief... HE is celebrating too. I imagine Him saying, "YES Melissa! You finally figured it out. This is how I created you. Now, do something about it!"

Have you explored your personality type? You should if you haven't. It's such an incredible process and I know that God will reveal so much to you about how He created you! I've included some links below to free sites that have some thorough results. Have fun learning more about yourself. God is going to enjoy it with you! How could He not? YOU are His pride and joy!

Personality Test Sites:
MBTI (Official Myers Briggs Test)

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