Tell Your Story

Today I have a great example of why it is so important to share your story with others. This past Sunday, I went through a little deep soul cleanse.

As I was making my breakfast that morning, I couldn't stop thinking about news of a certain family, popular on television, and their personal crisis being broadcast everywhere. The tabloids were having a heyday. The status updates from people on Facebook, with their opinions that I had read, kept popping into my head. I finally asked God, "Is there something you want from me in this situation? Am I suppose to share an opinion or my thoughts?"  It had become clear that I wasn't getting this out of my head for a reason.

Let me rewind for you about 30 years.

I was a victim.

I, too, was sexually assaulted by a family member.

I know the pain. I know what it feels like to see this person everyday and live in confusion. I know.

I know what it's like to grow up with a twisted point of view. I know what it's like to observe other siblings and family members, of my friends, and feel a twinge of jealousy at what they have.

I know what it's like to flounder and feel lost while desperately trying to figure out where I fit in.

I know.

I also know what it's like to heal. To truly heal. It involves cleaning out those wounds. It hurts but it's necessary for a full recovery. I know what it's like to live a life with scars but, also not letting them define me. I know what it's like to have a relationship with Jesus and experience His saving grace. His healing. His redemption. His overwhelming and unconditional love.

Each one of us is deserving of it. No matter what.

No. Matter. What.

Fast forward to the present. I've lived through my healing. And I've reached a point in my journey where I can freely share what happened to me and not feel pain or anger or depression or guilt. The reason is because I have given to Jesus. Powerful, right?

Well, this comes back to the situation that is living out on my Facebook page.

That morning was a church day so, I went to church. And lingered. Finally, after some small talk with a friend, I finally said something to her about why I was lingering.

It was time for me to forgive.

So, I shared a bit about how the morning had gone and what I had been reading on Facebook and how God wouldn't leave me alone and how it all came back to what happened to me as a child and that, it was time to forgive.

This friend grabbed me by the arm, pulled me back into the worship center and shared with me her story.

It was pretty much the same.

She shared with me so much about what I had experienced growing up. There were even some things I hadn't talked to others about yet.  The empathy was dripping as we looked at each other with understanding eyes.

It was like the penultimate step before the final step to healing. That one conversation with someone who could identify so well with my story. It was all I needed to gain the confidence to move forward with my forgiveness.

Our stories are so important in our journey. We must find that confidence to share in order to heal and also to relate. God calls us to love and to spread His name and I believe, without a doubt, our stories are the most powerful tool. I've experienced it on both sides.

How About You?
Have you had a chance to share your story with someone else? How did that go? How did God use that moment to strengthen your relationship with Him?  And vise versa, has someone shared their story with you? Were you able to relate? How did that impact your faith?

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