Living Testimony

Have you ever shared your story in public?

What was that like?

If you haven't, what's the reason?

In the next month or so, we will be having some guest bloggers sharing their stories with you. The purpose is to help you gain courage to share your own. Sometimes when we hear or read others tell about their personal lives, it helps us gain confidence to share and to grow in our own story.

We want this to be a community that fosters a spirit of growth, tapping into God's wisdom and using our stories to further Gods kingdom. What a powerful tool we possess. Just think about it...

Imagine you are at a dinner party and sitting next to someone you haven't met before. They ask questions about you - "What do you do?" "Do you have kids?" etc. After the initial intro, you might dive into a deeper conversation. Sometimes that leads to a moment that you get to share about your faith and how you story weaves into that.

Or, perhaps, you've had a friend for a while who is kind of toying with the idea of learning more about Jesus. Now is your chance! Grab it! "Have I ever shared with you about how I came to be a Christian?" And if they ask you... be ready to answer.

Sometimes our stories have so much pain and heartache and we just want to leave it in the past.

But, I'd like to challenge you on that.

My story has a lot of pain. My story has a lot of heartache. But, here is the big factor - I don't let those things define who I am today. What defines me today, is the fact that God redeemed and restored me. Those events in my past? They are dust. And, yet, I still choose to share them because I like to show others how God can take a broken soul and make it whole. It's a beautiful thing.

So, as we continue to walk this journey together... as we talk about our personal stories... and hear from other women... I hope that you begin to grasp how amazing and honoring to God it is to use your life as a living testimony.

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