Encourage and Empower

Today I got to share about the vision of this blog. As I tried to seek out the words and explain what was on my heart, I felt excitement build. It's truly a joy to see something come to fruition that has been on my heart for a long time. 

What I realized as I shared was that maybe I need pause and truly get into the meat of the why I started this. How do you fit in? And, why would God think this is important?

Do you remember the moment God took over your life? 

Do you remember when you finally let go?

Do you remember the day you took that brave step off the cliff and trusted Him?

For some of us, it's been one big defining moment. For others it's been a series of events that keep continuing. And for even others, there isn't any one thing that stands out but, you know that God has your heart forever. 

Whatever the circumstance is, I firmly believe our stories can be used to glorify God. I know, from experience, hearing someone share their personal story and can place God at the forefront, is powerful. It can be the one thing that changes someone's heart from cold and hard, to warm and soft and ready to learn more about the saving grace of Jesus.

The purpose of this place isn't to give you confidence in public speaking. 


The purpose of this place is to encourage and empower you. You have a story. You have a story that brings God to center stage. And it's that story that can revolutionize the world and those you come in contact with. 

Amazing isn't it? 

On Thursdays post, I'm going to go into a little more detail on how to share your story. And then, the following week, we'll have our first guest blogger. I'm so excited to have her join TIYS and share her amazing story of God's strength, comfort, healing and unconditional love. 

Thank you for joining me here as this ministry is still fresh. We're evolving and learning and expect great things from God. 

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