Books on the Shelf

I'm sitting here, on my bedroom floor, getting ready to create a graphic for the Facebook page and my eye wanders over to my bookshelf.

I glance at the various books that have contributed to my story. I have Bible Study books, Christian Life books, Study Guide's, Bibles, Narnia, books about marketing and then, there is one that pops out... Very Special Me. At the bottom of the spine it says Hallmark. So, I'm guessing it was a book you could find at Hallmark back in the day. The inside pages are ones that you finish yourself. So, you record what you look like, how old you are, what you like to do, who is in your family, etc., etc. I've not taken it off the shelf to look inside but, I remember writing in this book when I was a little.

Do you remember when you were 8 years old? Can you place yourself back into that mindset? I can. I'm not sure why it's so easy for me to do but, I can race back in time and remember sitting on the floor, like I am now, pencil in hand; scribbling away at those pages. I had no idea what was to come. I had no idea of the events that would happen in my life, that would shape me into the person I am today.

At 8 years old, I don't even think my brain could even fathom the reality if I were to go back in time, and relate what is happening now. What I do know is that, I was beginning to tell my story. 8 year old brain... whether I understood or not... I was beginning my story.

Psalm 139 has been resonating on my heart lately. Perhaps it's because it seems to coincide with me examining my past and how I see myself now. I love how David expresses such profound awareness of how wonderful it is to ask God to examine our hearts. God knows everything about us. He knew us before we existed. And He knows us in our future. He knows me better than I know myself.

Whenever I read this scripture, I take deep breaths because I can feel the shakiness in my voice. The emotion builds up from understanding how incredible this truth is. God knows me. He sees everything. He knows everything. And will always guide me.

The ending of this Psalm is a daring one... Search me, O God... and know my heart. It's a dare that I'm willing to take as I continue on this journey. Because where I have been and where I am now... there is nothing more in this world that I desire than to give myself fully to Him. The creator of my soul.


I'd love to know what books are on your shelf and how they relate to your story. Join us on Facebook and let's get chatting.

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