The Story Begins.

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... 1 Peter 3:15 NIV

I am so glad you are here. This is a step of faith and I'm beyond happy to have you joining me here.

It all started years ago. Exactly when, I cannot tell you but, there has always been a stirring deep within my heart. I anticipated. I waited. I became frustrated. I anticipated. I waited. I became peaceful. I anticipated. I waited. I learned how to patient. I learned how to trust fully in my Creator. I'm still learning.

The story continued to February 2015 while sitting at church. Left side. It was a quiet prayer time. We were practicing what was being preached and God was waiting anxiously for me to step into that moment. He gave me a vision of giving up complete control to Him. Soaring in the sky and experiencing God's strength and trusting His guidance.

I cannot even begin to describe to you the deep, heart feeling I had after that moment. God had never spoken to me that way before. I had never had something communicated to me so clearly. It caused me to pay attention and know that this was Holy Work. This wasn't my imagination. This was not my voice getting in the way. This was God.

And here I am. Praying that this journey God has called me to, is the right one. I guess we'll grow together. Right?

Ladies, we all have a story. We all have that turning point in our life when we had to choose. Do we continue on that wide and popular path or do we take the straight and narrow? There is no in between path. It doesn't exist. It's a choice we had to take. Where are you at? Are you at the Y in the road? Are you gingerly stepping onto that narrow path; hesitantly looking over your shoulder at the other life you knew? That path was so familiar. It was safe. But, now you are going to unknown territory. Unpopular territory. Perhaps you've been on this path for awhile. It's getting easier. You have enjoyed the scenery God has placed around you. You have experienced the fruit of walking this way. Or... maybe you are like me -- you dabble in both. Sometimes you are full speed ahead on the straight and narrow but, sometimes that wide road looks great. There is some fun stuff happening over there and you take a quick detour.

God loves us. He forgives us. He desires us. He longs for us. Ladies, we've got to help each other stay on that narrow path. And that's what this is all about.

By sharing our stories, encouraging one another, praying for one another, studying scripture together, singing together and holding one another accountable. That is what this is all about.

Thank you for joining me here.

Hand in hand. Let's do this sisters.

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